The Parkinson’s and Brain Research Foundation is supporting leading medical scientists in the United States and Europe who are pursuing a 21st century approach to finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease. Prominent researchers at Harvard University, the National Institutes of Health, and University College London discovered the most common genetic risk factor for Parkinson disease – mutation of the GBA gene – a gene that causes a rare hereditary brain disorder called Gaucher. Carriers of this Gene are predisposed to the development of Parkinson’s – and – Recent and unexpected findings show the possibility of a shared pathogenic mechanism. The Parkinson’s and Brain Research Foundation is seeking a cure for Parkinson’s by funding medical research with prominent scientists who are focusing on the GBA Link. Medical history is awash with examples of progress being made on one disease as a result of links to another disease. Our International Scientific Advisory Board chooses cutting-edge multi-disciplinary medical research – research that takes a 21st Century approach – a new approach to solve the mystery of Parkinson’s.
One Small Discovery – can unlock the mystery. Your Gift – can help find a cure.
Many families and supporters have indicated that they would like to help raise funds for research, but they are not sure what to do. After years of watching what some have done there is commonality that exists within many successful fund raising activities. Here are some things to think about.
Do Something – do something that is fun and something you like – Golf – Bike Ride – Run – etc. Perhaps connect it to another event that is taking place that many people are participating in.
The Parkinson’s & Brain Research Foundation has joined forces with the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) to enable federal government workers located anywhere in the world to more easily support this important scientific research.
The CFC allows federal employees to contribute to their favorite charities, which now includes the Parkinson’s and Brain Research Foundation, through automatic payroll deductions or one-time online giving. It is easy, it is convenient, and it makes a difference. The Parkinson’s & Brain Research Foundation takes seriously our commitment to efficiency, and our desire to assure you that …
95-98 cents of every dollar spent goes to research.
The advent of effective enzyme therapies for the visceral manifestations of Gaucher disease has stimulated renewed interest in both the basic science and therapeutics for the neuronopathic Gaucher disease variants, types 2 and 3. In numerous Scientific workshops, led by Dr. Tony Futerman and hosted by the PBRF, basic scientists discussed the mechanisms causing the brain disease in Gaucher disease. The discussion was vigorous and will lead to many interesting and important discoveries related to the neurologic involvement in Gaucher disease. Continue reading Development Plan FDA and EMA Approval→
Ted Meyer was six years old the first time he got involved in medical research, by donating a sample of bone marrow. He had just been diagnosed with Gaucher disease, and his parents hoped their son’s participation might help him and others with the potentially fatal inherited metabolic disorder.